We are all witnessing the Controlled Demolition of America.
Never before in the history of our country has so much happened
so quickly to literally destroy the Land we love from within.
And the enemies in our country are not trying to hide it.
In fact, they show us every day what their intentions are.
Bottom line is that our nation's leaders have disdain
and contempt for the American citizens they serve.
Manufactured Food Shortages & Famine. Record Inflation.
New World Order. Depopulation. Lawlessness.
Millions of babies murdered inside and outside the womb.
Digital Currency. Corrupt Healthcare System.
Government Censorship. War on Energy.
Fraudulent Elections. Rampant Invasion of Illegals.
Erroneous Climate Crisis. Nonsensical Gender Policies.
We want you to be informed and always prepared,
so you and your family have the resources to make it
through these uncertain times. We will keep you up-to-date
on the timeline of world events with videos and articles
from the most respected authors and speakers.
There are three major areas we'll update on a regular basis.
Always Prepared is your one stop shop for important information.
We do the research so you don't have to!